The Rapid Growth of Skin Care Industry; Reasons for the Dramatic Rise and the History of Skin Care.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As far as anyone can remember, human beings have always desired flawless skin. With each part of the world having its own definition of a desirable look, there has never been a scarcity of different ways to improve one’s skin over the centuries. Now one may attribute it to general tending, hygiene, or be it pure, unadulterated, vanity, it would not be a stretch to say that, up until at least a decade or two ago, the majority of the percentage of people will opt for buying products that they think would help with their skin problems although they do not possess any knowledge of what ingredients have been used to create the said product and, if the list of ingredients are present, whether those ingredients are helping, causing harm or doing absolutely nothing.  

All skincare companies use an intricate mixture of different chemicals, some of which are even hard to pronounce for those who have no knowledge of this particular field. So, when a company boasts of only using organic products like fruits, plants, flowers, etc. be sure to know that it is far from the truth. They are always mixed in with chemicals. Now some of these chemicals used are somewhat essential to the process of establishing an effective product as some of the organic ingredients which are being used need to be broken down so they are small enough and can penetrate the epidermis of your skin. However, some of these chemical combinations might not be suitable for your skin type or an amalgamation of 2 or more different products in your routine might be causing severe damage to your skin. 

History Of Skin Care

It might be hard to believe but skincare and makeup have existed for far longer than we could conceivably imagine. The earliest recorded method of skincare or beauty products was around 3000 BC used by the Ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians were very big on makeup but also protecting the skin from the scorching hot sun. Therefore, natural materials like oils and sand were used as sunscreen. These were then adopted by the Greeks and the Romans with the additions like using honey as a moisturizer and more. 

However, due to the lack of knowledge when it came to materials, even as late as the 1900s, toxic substances like Lead were excessively used in makeup and skincare products. Unbeknownst then, Lead is a very noxious material that can cause severe symptoms like infections, hematoma, fainting, and, more often than not, can be extremely fatal resulting in death. It was the formation of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which was established in the year 1906, that there was strict regulation on toxic substances being used for different products. 

The Sudden Rise in the Popularity of Skin Care

Not that skincare was ever absent, but the rise of its awareness has been monumental in the past 2 decades, as compared to the 20th century. This could be attributed to the creation and popularity of social media, but the major reason, undeniably, is the inclusion of celebrities and social media influencers, who are followed by thousands if not millions. From haircare, fragrances to makeup products, these celebs have had an active involvement in the beauty industry.  

In the beginning, these said celebrities and influencers were selected to be the faces of popular brands, because of which, many of these companies had ascending sales. Perhaps, realizing the kind of influence they had, these influencers and celebs took a shot at establishing their own brand centering on various sectors of the beauty industry. The first-ever celebrity-owned beauty brand was a cosmetic brand by Iman named Iman Cosmetics, in the year 1994. However, the first-ever skincare brand was Meaningful Beauty by Cindy Crawford. And since then, singers, celebrities, and influencers like Rihanna, Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, NikkiTutorials, etc. have launched their own skincare brands. 

The downside of which has been the multitudes of different products boasting of effectiveness. so many products that are seemingly deemed unnecessary and extravagant by estheticians and dermatologists but are diligently advertised as a must-have for good-looking skin. So much so that the consumers are confused as to which products to buy. So many end up buying a mixture of different products and end up harming their own skin.

Nevertheless, one cannot deny that the increase in the popularity of skincare has also boosted the knowledge of the chemicals which are used in these products. This has helped thousands stop using products with toxins in them. These informed consumers are then, in a way, keeping all these skincare brands in check about the chemicals they put in their products. 

Increasing Awareness of the importance of Skin Care

Regardless of whether many think of skin as excessive, and choose to completely ignore the process, the inclusion of it in one’s daily routine is of extreme importance. According to dermatologists, our skin cells shed daily, and to keep them healthy, firm, and glowing, one must take proper care to avoid dull, sagging, and wrinkled skin.  

Contrary to what all the advertisements or celebrity skincare videos might have you believe, a proper skincare routine is anything but intricate. Involving no more than 3-4 steps, the entirety of the process that works well on any skin sticks to the basics that include:

  • Cleanserapplied first and massaged into the skin for 30 seconds, or up to a minute, to remove any dirt clogged pores and clean the skin for the next step.
  • Moisturizergenerally applied after the cleanser to keep the skin cells hydrated.
  • Treatmentthis step includes serums, essences, oils, etc. which are used to treat the specific issues with one’s skin. For example, spots, acne, hyperpigmentation, pimples, uneven skin tone, etc. This step is usually carried out in a night-time routine as treatment products are meant to stay on the skin for a long period so they can penetrate the epidermis and do their job.
  • Sunscreenthe importance of applying sunscreen, even if one is not planning on leaving the house, cannot be stressed hard enough by dermatologists around the world. Even if one is inside their house, the UV rays, especially during the day, are strong enough to affect the skin. SPF is the only product that can protect the skin from sun and UV rays damage. Dermatologists have gone far enough to say that using sunscreen might even be able to prevent one from developing skin cancer.

In Conclusion…

No one indeed knows their skin needs better than they, however, before deciding to apply products on one’s skin, it is essential that one consult with a dermatologist. A CBC and physical check-up by a licensed professional will definitely help in the longer run. 

Skin is our largest organ and it is crucially paramount that we take care of it as it does us. 

Kashmala Khalid

Pluviophile, nyctophile, ambivert, professional bookworm and unapologetically feminist to the core.

Published by
Kashmala Khalid

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