The Horrifying Murree Tragedy and the Despicable Mockery of Humanity at the Hands of Local Businesses

Reading Time: 4 minutes After the deadly snowstorm, the local businesses decided to charge a ridiculous amount for mundane things upon noticing that the people were stuck and had nowhere else to go. Hotels that used to charge Rs 6000 - 10,000 per 24 hours during the season escalated their prices to 70,000 per night. Street food that cost a maximum of Rs 40 – 100 increased their prices to 1000. A single cup of tea cost Rs 700. And the people had no choice but to pay up as it was either spend the money or freeze to death outside. 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Anyone who has a television or reads the news knows of the terrible series of events that took place early this January. The nation is still aghast at the unexpected incident that occurred on the 7th – 8th of January 2022. Since then, there have been back-and-forth placements of the blame, with the public holding the government responsible while the government is stating that the public ignored all the warnings. Regardless of who is to blame, what happened was no small tragedy. 

Prior to what was deemed one of the worst snow incidents to have ever befallen in Murree, winters were when the streets of Murree were filled with tourists, families, and friends. Hot tea and coffee available every few steps, scrumptious breakfast and snacks, and softly falling snow made the most memorable vacation for millions. 

However, this year’s icy death trap was more than what the thousands bargained for. 

So, what exactly went so fundamentally wrong that multiple men, women, and children suffered excruciating deaths? 

Who is to Blame?

On the night of 7th and 8th January, over 157,000 vehicles entered Murree as the snowfall began. In a place that can only accommodate 4,000, several news channels reported that over 13,000 automobiles were allowed on the roads. Moreover, according to The News, what added to the massive roadblock were several snowplows that were parked on the side of the road with no administrative staff insight. In addition to that, the numerous hotels alongside the length of the roadway have no parking spaces because of which all of the hotel guests had parked their cars on the main road itself. These are some of the plausible reasons brought forth by many for the intense pile-up in the snowstorm. 

Howbeit, what still begs the question is why were there such a mammoth influx of people when, not two days ago, on 5th January, the Meteorological department announced the prediction of a massive snowstorm hitting the area? Furthermore, how did over a hundred thousand automobiles from all over Punjab manage to enter an area that was supposed to be restricted, with police posts on every main road leading to the north? 

In an article talking about the warnings, Dawn news states that the NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) and the Rawalpindi District management failed to adopt any preventative measures even after the explicit warnings from the MET about the imminent storm. About 16.5 inches of snow was recorded on the morning of 7th January, and yet these conditions did not deter the influx of cars in the least. Many have reported corruption amongst the local authorities who were supposed to stop the vehicles but took a couple of thousand rupees as a bribe and let the cars through. In addition to that, after hearing about the potential snowfall, the majority of the public packed their bags and got on the highway for a weekend getaway, either not heeding the warnings or not bothering to check forecasts at all. The authorities might have received bribes, but the people desperate to go and paid the said bribes were held equally at blame by the public. 

Regardless of who is to blame in the situation, the bottom line is that there isn’t sufficient technology, resources, or competence when it comes to disaster relief in Pakistan. 

Tragic Deaths

Reports state that as many as 23 people lost their lives in the heavy snow on the night of the 7th and 8th January. NDMA, who was supposed to have taken note of the previous consecutive rainfall and snow that had been raging for about a week, displayed imprudent incompetence, even after the blatant warning from the MET, and failed to take any action regarding the situation. This is one contributing reason for the multiped deaths, as the rescue was unable to reach on time. 

The leading cause of several deaths was carbon monoxide inhalation, while some died of hypothermia. Carbon monoxide is an odorless toxic gas that can be fatal if inhaled. Due to the frosty weather, the people trapped closed their windows and kept the car running so they could keep the heater on because of the snow, which was blanketing entire vehicles. The car fumes that, majorly consisting of carbon monoxide, leaked into the functioning vehicle. The overnight leakage and inspiration of this poisonous gas led to the deaths of the majority of them. 

Reprehensible Acts by the Local Businesses

To see a human being in an utterly horrible predicament, one would assume that the first thing a fellow human would do is to help. However, that proved not to be the case earlier in the past month. After the deadly snowstorm, the local businesses decided to charge a ridiculous amount for mundane things upon noticing that the people were stuck and had nowhere else to go. Hotels that used to charge Rs 6000 – 10,000 per 24 hours during the season escalated their prices to 70,000 per night. Street food that cost a maximum of Rs 40 – 100 increased their prices to 1000. A single cup of tea cost Rs 700. And the people had no choice but to pay up as it was either spend the money or freeze to death outside. 

One of the local news channels covers the story of a couple who had to give the hotel a gold chain and rings to prevent being kicked out. Local people were charging as much as 10,000 to drive and navigate tourists’ cars through the numerous rough patches. The lewd acts committed by the local businesses caused many a guest to spend the night in their cars. 

The depraved and avarice domestic businesses commit atrocious deeds all in order to collect more money. And in the end, they were paid as the alternative for the victims could have been as severe as death. 

Precautions in Case of a Snowstorm

If one were to find themselves in a situation such as this, below are some points that everyone should follow to stay alive, as stated by The Tribune:

  • Stay within sight of other cars and rescuers.
  • Stay in the vehicle at all costs. The icy winds and snow can disorientate a person quickly.
  • Keep a snowfall survival kit including flashlights, jumper cables, extra warm clothes and blankets, ice scraper, etc.
  • Do not keep the motor running. Please switch it on for about 10 minutes every one hour for the heat.
  • Keep the windows a little low in order to maintain the level of oxygen in the car when the heater is on.
  • Keep extra food and water in the car at all times in case of emergencies.
  • Extra fuel is a must if one is venturing off for a snowy vacation.
Kashmala Khalid

Pluviophile, nyctophile, ambivert, professional bookworm and unapologetically feminist to the core.

Published by
Kashmala Khalid

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