We have seen unprecedented growth in the digital economy over recent years. This shift has played a substantial role in disrupting and changing old business models to suit the needs of a modern era. From online transactions, social media marketing, and e-commerce websites, digital services are increasing and improving rapidly. As a consequence, more and…
The term “Deep Work” has nothing to do with geographical depth or so-called intellectual/philosophical discourse. In fact, it is a much more simple concept. The phrase was coined by Cal Newport- a professor of Computer Sciences at Georgetown University, in his book titled “Deep Work”. Though the term is newly coined, it refers to a…
SUPARCO, or Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, is the national space agency of Pakistan responsible for aerospace research, aeronautics and space programs. It came into being in 1961 as a research wing of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, and later in 1981, it gained the status of a commission.
Pakistan has had its fair…
Introduction: The good versus the bad
One can argue that the new technologies of today have contributed more good than bad in the world. The faster speeds of connectivity have allowed access to all sorts of information with just a click of a button. More recently, online platforms have also played a valuable role in…
Around the world, the last ten years have been monumental when it comes to research, and Pakistan is no exception to this rule. As a country with a huge student population, many of whom will carry their studies onto the post-graduate level, Pakistan creates a lot of research. Although the country may struggle with the…
Three decades after the World Wide Web took the world by storm, smartphone ownership, access to and use of the Internet, and broadband adoption has grown on an enormous scale for Americans across the hierarchy of classes. However, despite the large-scale assimilation of technology into society and the narrowing of the digital divide, differences…
The UK Office for National Statistics recently reported that about 1.5 million workers in Britain are threatened by automation; this is consistent with broader reports on how automation poses serious threats to traditional labor and indicative of growing anxiety about the future of low-skilled labor.
By and large, automation in the 21st century seeks to fundamentally…
The history of propaganda can be traced all the way to ancient Roman empires; it has virtually existed since forever and continues to be an indispensable tool for political entities across the board. Mechanisms of propaganda have endured the test of time, specifically the rise of the internet, and are now more advanced and sophisticated…
Social media is the unambiguously hot topic of our time and age. Discourse about it permeates most spheres of our lives, from holistic wellness in the personal realm to productivity in the professional one. Understandably so, since it is changing the very nature of communication , rewiring the human brain, and causing a ripple effect…
The Global Smartphone industry is massive, it is estimated that by 2020 there would over 6 billion mobile phones in use, of which over half would be smartphones. People all over the world, in the remotest of places, are able to connect with anyone and with great ease with the use of smartphones, which have…