The undeniable abhorrence of all sexual predators was an opinion I once considered to be widely held; I carried no other preconceived notions about social perceptions. I had hoped to identify recurring patterns and characters to better understand the values and standards of acceptable female behavior. This assumption was immediately dismantled in a profoundly disturbing…

The undeniable abhorrence of all sexual predators was an opinion I once considered to be widely held; I carried no other preconceived notions about social perceptions. I had hoped to identify recurring patterns and characters to better understand the values and standards of acceptable female behavior. This assumption was immediately dismantled in a profoundly disturbing…

“Their new house looks so gaudy with the pillars and everything,” drawled Shazia*, scornfully surveying the drawing room over the rim of her delicate teacup. “New money, you know. Itnay paindu hein (They are so tacky). You can’t buy class.” I remained silent, which, of course, is a part of the problem; but it is…